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What Can an Attorney Office Near Me Do for Me?

There are many reasons to call on an attorney. If you are facing any type of legal claim against you or someone has done something to infringe on your rights, our team at Hamilton Lewis wants to help you. We provide a wide range of legal services, including those that are designed to provide you with the comprehensive support you need. Whether you want to prevent a problem or you need help managing a complex situation, let us help you.


Our Family Law Office Is Here for You


One of the reasons to give us a call is when you need a family lawyer. When you visit our family law office, you will work one on one with a team that is dedicated to your best outcome. We can help you with a range of services. This may include helping you through divorce, child support, and child custody matters. We can help you to settle disputes between members of the family or those in your area. We also provide help for estate planning. If you need to create a will and trust for your loved ones, let our team be there to support you through that process. Our family law office is available to you for immediate, and emergency needs as well.


Class Action Lawsuits Support


Do you feel that a company failed to provide you with the promises they made? Do you feel that you have a product that hurts you? We want to know about it. When you are facing any type of damage from a third party or a business you have worked with, we want to be able to safeguard your right to collection compensation. Perhaps you have heard about a class action lawsuit taking place regarding a medical procedure or product you used. Let us help you find out if you qualify for coverage under it. Class action lawsuits are complex, but our team can provide you with the support you need to protect your rights.


How Can I Work with an Attorney Office Near Me?


No matter if you know the type of legal support you need or not, it is always important to pick up the phone and give us a call. Our team understands the complexities of the situations you are in, and we want to provide you with comprehensive help and support. All you have to do is to give us a call to learn more.


At The Law Office of Peter J. Hamilton III, we are here to help you with many of your needs. When you call us, we are happy to set up a full free evaluation of your case to help you learn what we can do for you.

NEW ORLEANS OFFICE / 3835 Elysian Fields Avenue New Orleans, LA 70122 

HOUSTON OFFICE / 2201 Hermann Drive Houston, Texas 70004

PHONE / 504-940-1883

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